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Click on the “Refresh” button, and the screen will be updated to show the IP addresses of all devices
attached to the router, including the DA1101.
To configure the N-WAP simply highlight the DA1101 that you wish to connect to and click on the
“Connect to Device” button and you will be shown the logon screen shown below.
Simply type in “admin” for the logon and “admin” for the password to logon to the DA1101.
NOTE: If you are not attached to a router which provides you with an IP address, you may still
manually logon to the DA1101 by performing the steps show in Appendix D, and if successful
will end up at the same logon screen shown above.
When you successfully logon, you’ll be shown a screen where you can run the Setup Wizard, or opt to
select a different function on the left side of the screen for manual setup. First, we’ll go through the
simple Setup Wizard for AP Mode.