Short press one time
(within 1 second)
Send Security Node Info frame.
Add Multi-Sensor into a Z-Wave network:
a. Let the primary controller go into inclusion mode
(If you don’t know how to do this, refer to its manual).
b. Short Press one time this Z-Button.
c. The Multi-Sensor LED will blink, If the inclusion is
successful, then LED will keep on 2 seconds. Otherwise,
the LED will blink until timeout, in which case you need
to repeat the process from step b.
Remove Multi-Sensor from a Z-Wave network:
a. Let the primary controller go into
(If you don’t know how to do this, refer to its manual).
b. Short Press one time this Z-Button.
c. The Multi-Sensor LED will keep on, If the remove is
successful, then LED will blink 2 seconds. Otherwise, the
LED will keep on until timeout, in which case you need to
repeat the process from step b.
The Multi-Sensor will send “Explorer Auto inclusion” frame to
start Smart Start inclusion, When it is removed from a Z-Wave network.
Power On event Please refer to "Power On" event.
Short press 3 times
(within 1.5 second)
In the network:
Multi-Sensor will send “wake up notification command” to
the nodes which is assigned by “Wake Up Command”.
LED Keep bright when receive the Wake up no more info
notification or if 10 seconds timeout , LED will be turned off.
Not in the network:
Press and hold
5 seconds
Reset Multi-Sensor to factory Default:
1. Press and hold the Z-Button for 5 seconds.
2. If holding time is more than 5 seconds, the LED will blink
fast at acceleration. If reset success Multi-Sensor LED will turn
off. When the Z-Button is released, it will send “Device Reset
Locally Command”. Otherwise please repeat step 2.
1, This procedure should only be used when the primary
controller is inoperable.
2, Reset Multi-Sensor to factory default settings. It will set
the Multi-Sensor to not in Z-Wave network state; delete the