LECTRICEBIKES.COM | 602.715.0907
Always wear a helmet. Wearing a helmet properly may reduce the
risk of a severe head injury.
When riding, always wear a helmet
that meets or exceeds the standards of the Consumer Product
Safety Commission (CPSC). Check the manual that comes with
your helmet.
• Ensure your helmet fits your head and is properly secured. If you
attach a child’s seat to the bicycle, the child must wear a properly
fitted helmet at all times.
Read your helmet manual to make sure it is adjusted properly
according to the fitting instructions provided by the helmet
• A proper-fitting helmet should be comfortable and should neither
rock forward/backward nor side to side.
Follow eBike Regulations On and Off the Road
Be aware of eBike regulations in your area.
Generally, the
regulations for the use of an electric bicycle are the same
as those for a standard bicycle. However, there may be local
differences such as where you can ride, minimum rider age, or
required equipment and license and registration regulations. It is
your responsibility to know the local regulations that apply to an
electric bicycle and to obey them.
Ride at Your Own Risk and Use Common Sense
Always keep both hands on the handlebar grips and the brake
levers so they are within reach while riding.
Do not ride distracted. Always remain alert to all riding
conditions. Using the Display or other technology (including your
mobile phone or music player) could distract you from riding.
Only adjust the Display when stationary and in a safe start-up
Never use headphones or a cell phone to talk or text when riding.
Always ride defensively.
Watch out for potential obstacles that
could force you to swerve suddenly or lose control. Braking while
steering may reduce your ability to control your bicycle.
Look ahead and brake sooner.
You may be moving faster on your