Fine-tuning the pelvic straps (grey)
Only tighten the pelvic straps to the point where the child’s pelvis at its highest level
while allowing the child to bear the majority of his own weight. You should not bear all
the child’s weight through the connecting straps.
To find the right tension, you may need to loosen and tighten these straps a bit while
looking checking the child’s pelvic position with an assistant or by using a mirror.
After you start walking you may have to readjust the connecting straps again as the
harness and straps may relax slightly during the first few minutes of walking.
Fine-tuning the shoulder connecting straps (black)
The shoulder straps support the child’s trunk so it does not sway forwards/backwards
or from side to side. They should not bear the child’s weight like a suspension harness.
“Tuning” the shoulder straps means tightening and loosening them until you find the
right level of support. You will know you have this when the trunk is supported without
suspending the child from their shoulders. As with the grey straps, the black ones may
also need to be readjusted if they relax during the first few minutes of walking.
Remember – do not over-tighten the straps as this will cause the child to hang in the
harness. This could risks straining the adult’s back or causing them to lose balance.
7. Tuck excess webbing out of the way
to prevent tripping.