User Manual
Connecting Batteries in Series
Page 21 of 22
Connecting Batteries in Series
2 batteries connected in series
provide double the supply
However, the total capacity does
not increase.
Example: 2 batteries 12 V / 100 Ah connected in series provide a supply
voltage of 24 V with 100 Ah.
Connecting Batteries in
2 batteries connected in parallel
provide double the battery
However, the supply voltage does
not increase.
Example: 2 batteries 12 V /
100 Ah connected in parallel
provide a supply voltage of 12 V with 200 Ah.
Maintenance of the Battery
Lead-acid batteries must be maintained at regular intervals. The battery
must be maintained at least once a month in hot seasons and quarterly in
cold seasons. Older batteries should be checked every 14 days.
Maintenance of Open Batteries
With open batteries, check the condition of the liquid and measure the acid
density with an acid syphon.
To increase battery life, make sure the battery surface is clean and dry.
Carefully remove dirt and acid stains with hot water and a soda solution.
Remove the soda solution with fresh water and dry the battery. Ensure that
the venting flaps are clean and correctly fitted. Then check the installation
of the connecting terminals. Tighten the clamping screws if necessary.