X-431 HTT Professional Automotive Diagnosis Handset
Report: Tap to save the current running parameters as a diagnostic report.
Record: Tap to start recording diagnostic data for future playback and analysis.
The saved file follows the naming rule: It begins with vehicle type, and then the
test function and ends with the record generation time (To differentiate between
files, please configure the accurate system time). The file is stored in “My
Report” under “Personal Center” menu.
To stop reading the data stream, tap
before the recording progress bar.
• Saved data: Tap it to access to “My reports”.
• Help: Highlight certain item and tap it to view the help information.
Graph – displays the parameters in waveform graphs.
Fig. 5-20
Tap the “Value” tab to switch to
the text view mode.
Swipe the screen from right to left
to switch to the next page.
On-screen Buttons:
Record: Tap to start recording diagnostic
data for future playback and analysis. The
saved file follows the naming rule: It
begins with vehicle type, and then the test
function and ends with the record saving
time. The file is stored in “More” ->
“Personal Center” -> “My Report”.
To stop reading the data stream, tap
before the recording progress bar.
Combine – this option is mostly used in
graph merge status for data comparison.
In this case, different items are marked in
different colors.
Fig. 5-21
Saved data: Tap to access to “My