Manual / Bedienungsanleitung: EL-50/100 G DMX / EL-150R DMX
Version / Stand: 01/2010
Page / Seite 7 of / von 12
EU- Declaration of Conformity
We hereby confirm that the following device
Laserworld EL-50G DMX, EL-100G DMX, EL-150R DMX
complies with the essential safety requirements, laid down in the regulations of the committee to
assimilate the provisions of law of all participating EU states on the electromagnetic compatibility
(89/336/EWG) and with the requirements relating to the Low Voltage Directive (LVD 2006/95/EG)
was based on the following standards:
DIN EN 61000-3-2:2000 + A2: 2005
DIN EN 61000-3-3:1995 + A1: 2001
Furthermore, the device is verified in correspondence to the laser class regulations DIN EN 60825-1,
if properly set up according to the upper mentioned laser safety regulation.
After installing the device, an inspection and official approval is indispensable for the overall setup.
The inspection must follow the European guidelines EN 60825-1/-3 and corresponding regulations for
the prevention of accidents BGV-B2.
This declaration is executed on behalf of the manufacturer.
Laserworld (Switzerland) AG
Kreuzlingerstrasse 5
8574 Lengwil-Oberhofen
Authorized person:
Supervisory board Mr Martin Werner
place of business:
8574 Lengwil-Oberhofen / SWITZERLAND
company number: CH-440.3.020.548-6
Commercial Registry Kanton Thurgau
[email protected]
representative according to EMVG:
Cleantech Europe GmbH
Managing Director: Thomas Schulze
Fürkhofstr. 5
81927 München / DE