Step 2: Place a piece of masking tape over the tube opening that leads to Mirror 2. Fire the
laser and see if it leaves a burnt mark in the center of the hole. Also check that the burnt mark
left by the laser beam is circular in shape. If it is not circular, i.e. oval or other shape, then the
laser beam might have hit the inner tubing and get reflected on the way from Mirror 1 to
Mirror 2. If this is the case, place a piece of masking tape before the tube entrance, fire laser
and adjust Mirror 1 so that laser passes through the center of the opening.
Step 3: Place a masking tape on the opening before Mirror 3. Move the rail along the Y-axis so
that Mirror 3 is close to Mirror 2. Fire the laser and see if the laser beam goes through the
center of the circle. Then move the rail so that Mirror 3 is to the far end of Mirror 2. Fire the
laser and see if it leaves a mark at the same location when it was close to Mirror 2. Adjust
Mirror 2 repeatedly so that the burnt mark is at the center and on top of one another when
Mirror 3 is both close and far from Mirror 2.
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