Section 4: Laser System
What is laser?
Laser is an acronym from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Types of laser tubes
There are two types of laser sources used with the Spirit, namely Coherent-Deos and
Synrad. There are 12W, 25W, 30W, 60W and 100W models with Synrad laser tubes and also
there are 30W, 40W, 60W, and 100W models with Coherent Deos laser tubes.
How to measure the power output of a laser tube?
In order to measure the power output of a laser tube, we need to use a power meter
(GCLPM2500AA) that will measure the heat generated and convert it to a power reading. The
best place to measure the laser output power is at the immediate output of the laser tube (before
to mirror 1).
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