Apply cooking oil to all unpainted interior surfaces.
Apply the oil with a spray device, brush, or a piece of
cloth. A vegetable spray oil is ideal for this purpose.
apply to painted surfaces.
Start a fire in the fire box. Place a sufficient quantity of
charcoal or wood on the charcoal grate of the burner.
When igniting the charcoal follow the manufacturer's
instructions. Ensure that no bits of charcoal are on the
walls of the fire box. Open the vent shutter and the
smokestack 1/4 of the opening.
Close the chamber doors and allow the fire to burn
for two hours. Increase the temperature by gradually
adding more fuel. Open the vent flap and the
smokestack 1/2 to 2/3 of the opening. Now the grill
should have reached its temperature and is ready for
In areas that are in direct contact with flame it may be
necessary to apply oil again. The frequency of the oil
application depends on use.
Preparing the smoker chambers for use.
Prior to using the smoked chambers the instructions listed below must be followed to prepare the interior of the
smoker chambers, to preserve the surface of the smoking chambers, and to prevent a metallic taste the first time
the device is used.