Device description
© Gyr
D000011142 en k – E65C CU-B1, B2, B4 – User Manual
About this document
The present user manual applies to communication unit CU-Bx with inter-
faces CS / RS232 / S0 for meters ZxDxxxAT/CT.
This user manual supplements the meter operating instructions and is
incomplete without the data contained there.
In addition to operating instructions for the meters, the user manual con-
tains all the information necessary for operation of the CU-Bx communica-
tion unit for the intended purpose. This includes:
Provision of knowledge concerning characteristics, construction and func-
tion of the communication unit CU-Bx
Information about possible dangers, their consequences and measures to
prevent any danger
Details concerning the performance of all work throughout the service life of
the communication unit CU-Bx (installation, commissioning, operation,
maintenance, decommissioning and disposal)
The contents of this user manual are intended for technically qualified per-
sonnel of energy supply companies responsible for the system planning,
installation and commissioning, operation, maintenance, decommissioning
and disposal of the meters.
Users of this manual are familiar from their training with the basic principles
of electrical engineering, in particular with the principles of energy measu-
rement, including circuitry types, connection technology, etc.
This user manual is divided in a logical manner suitable for learning and
application, i.e. the individual sections follow the sequence of information
probably required during the various phases of the service life of the com-
munication unit CU-Bx.
Range of validity
Relating documents
Target group