LampizatOr- Amber-3 Manual
Rectifier Rolling
Rectifiers are generally less rolled but many customers report that huge leaps in synergy
can be achieved when, after choosing the optimal music tubes, we also choose optimal
How can we tell the rectifiers ?
At Lampizator we use generally two sub-groups of rectifier diodes: directly heated and
indirectly heated.
Indirectly heated diodes
are those which have separate heater coil mounted underneath
the cathode. The heater current does not mix with the cathode current. This has several
advantages (diodes are smaller, they live longer, they are much more vibration-resistant,
and they can be connected in series with many tubes sharing one heater source. They
have 5 active pins on an octal base. We use 6X5 (USA) or Soviet 6c5s (6u5C) type. They
are very short bottles..
PINOUT: 2-7 is heater 6,3 V AC. Pin 8 is cathode. Pins 3 and 5 are two anodes.
THIS IS THE TUBE WE USE IN AMBER-3 DAC. We supply the popular Soviet made
6C5S diode, but good results can be obtained by using USA made 6X5, with one
exception of Bendix brand that uses double heater current.