LampizatOr- Amber-3 Manual
some practical tips
Please use good shelf for the DAC. Do not place it on speakers, subs, or even on
transports or amps. Again - tubes hate vibrations.
If you try the special devices for placement, we feel that: granite or marble is bad
(ringing). Cones are just plain ridiculous and stupid. Cones are for uneducated people.
Ceramic ball bearing feet are great. Good wood is great if thick. Others - please try.
The way stereo sound is created inside the DAC can - under optimal condition - re-
create the musical experience as it sounded live. It means that two speakers can cause
us listeners to hear sounds everywhere around us, above, below, far in front, almost
close to our face, and also behind us. This type of imaging is our goal. The sound must
be able to get detached from the speakers (so called disappearing act) and the more
our DAC helps doing it - the higher we value it (and price accordingly). We voice our
DACs to be as 3-D as possible with the beginning of that 3D as close to listener as
From our experience speakers should be positioned following the basic rules of
LampizatOr Nirvana Room:
1. Speakers and listener’s head form unilateral triangle (3 x 60 degrees) with the
distance between speakers being exactly equal to distance head-speaker.
2. Head must be in exactly middle of the speaker base and the speaker base must be
exactly symmetrical versus side walls. We place speakers and measure the distance
from side walls with 1 cm accuracy.