LampizatOr- Amber-3 Manual
1. Why Amber ?
Amber is a pine tree resin stone which is abundant in Poland and it is our national treasure
and number one gem and number one jewellery. We are Amber country. So I called the
DAC after this gem. Also it corresponds with our ocean naming scheme because Amber
stones are found exclusively on the beach of Baltic sea.
2. Why closed tubes? In this price point users usually want a simple box and access to
tubes is less important. Small noval tubes are not that spectacular. Next models - Baltic-3
and Atlantic - have exposed tubes.
We don’t use much ventillation because with three or even five tubes in the box the
temperature rises only a few degrees.
3. Should I upsample to DSD all the time, even PCM red book files? Yes you can, many
people like it. Only the streamer must support it.
4. Why Copper capacitors?
Since there are only 4 components in total in our signal path - it is important to use these 4
parts from the highest quality group. the output capacitor is one of the four so we wanted
to use the best available at any price. So here it is - our Lampizator house branded copper
cap which matches the 4 known copper brands in quality of sound.