Perform this procedure or an appropriate calibration procedure when TRACER
is used for compliance monitoring or before the f rst use after replacing the Total
Chlorine TRACER electrode.
Required Materials and Chemicals
Analytical Balance, Readability 0.0005g
5 g Chloramine-T trihydrate, Analytical grade, 98%
1 Pipet, or Pipettor with disposable plastic tips, 1 mL
3 Volumetric f asks, 100 mL
2 Amber glass bottles, 100 mL
1 Sample cup (included in kit)
5 TRACER TCl Tablets (included in kit)
Deionized or distilled water
Preparation of 1ppm Standard Solution
1. Fill a 100 mL volumetric f ask approximately half full with deionized
water. Weigh and add exactly 4.050 g Chloramine-T trihydrate. Dissolve.
Dilute to the 100 mL line with deionized water. Cap and mix. This
standard is 10,000 ppm.
2. Pipet exactly 1.00 mL of the 10,000 ppm standard into another 100 mL
volumetric f ask. Dilute to the 100 mL line with deionized water. Cap and
mix. This standard is 100 ppm.
3. Pipet exactly 1.00 mL of the 100 ppm solution into a third 100 mL
volumetric f ask. Dilute to the 100 mL line with deionized water.
Cap and mix. This standard is 1 ppm.
4. Add 5 TRACER TCl Tablets (7044A) to the f ask of 1 ppm standard from
Step 3. Cap and mix until the tablets disintegrate. The tablets contain a
small amount of insoluble material and will not dissolve completely. This
standard is 1 ppm Converted Chlorine.
1. Mix the 1 ppm Converted Chlorine standard.
2. Fill a sample cup with 20 ml of newly prepared 1 ppm Converted
Chlorine standard. Tightly cap the standard immediately after use.
3. Turn the TRACER on. Wait 3 seconds for auto-calibration (circuit’s not
electrode). Immediately immerse in the standard.
4. Stir the standard with the TRACER for 10 seconds. Stop stirring.
The standard and the TRACER must remain still and stable during