User Manual
Precipitation Sensor rain[e]H3 with Ethernet
Id-No. 00.15184.540 020
Precipitation Sensor
13.3 Data Telegram Type 3
A = date in format YYYY.MM.DD (Y = year, M = month, D = day)
B = time in format hh:mm:ss (h = hour, m = minute, s = second)
C = precipitation intensity in mm/h; range of values: 0.000-30.000
D = total amount since system start in mm (accum. precipitation), range of values: 0.000-9999.000
E = measurement Start / Stop (1 = Stop and 0 = Start (running)); range of values: 0-1
F = inner temperature above in °C; range of values: -55.00-125.00
G = inner temperature below in °C; range of values: -55.00-125.00
H = status of heating (1 = ON, 0 = OFF); range of values: 0-1
I = error code; range of values: 0-255
J = device manufacturer: LAMBRECHT meteo
K = device type: rain[e]H3
M = firmware version number; range of values: 0.00-9.99
N = outside temperature in °C (no measured value = / ); range of values: -55.00-125.00
* = delimiter checksum
CS = checksum (see chapter “Checksum”)
The returned error code is a decimal representation of an originally binary number.
In binary representation, the digits correspond to the following error messages:
Bit position Status message
error maximum heating temperature threshold exceeded
1 = error heating
1 = error temperature sensor interior
1 = error temperature sensor at the funnel
1 = error initialization RTC
1 = error external temperature sensor
1 = poor quality of supply voltage
13.4 Get Error String
With the following command a separate error string with the current errors can be called.
Value 0 = OK; Value 1 = Error.
A = for internal use
B = error exceeding of 10 °C at heating ON
C = error heating
D = error temperature sensor interior
E = error temperature sensor at the funnel
F = error initialisation RTC
G = error temperature sensor outside temperature
H = poor quality of supply voltage
I = for internal use
* = delimiter checksum
CS = checksum (see chapter “Checksum”)