User Manual
Precipitation Sensor rain[e]H3 with Ethernet
Id-No. 00.15184.540 020
Precipitation Sensor
Load Cell Adjustment
With the mask “
Load Cell Adjustment
” and a reference weight the load cell can be adjusted. It indicates the
number of passages that the program has done, the average value of the measured weight and the variance of
the measuring values. Additionally the calibration factor is given. To adjust the load cell at first the COM interface
where the
is connected has to be chosen in the menu. After that place the calibration weight in the
collecting vessel and enter it’s weight in the appropriate box. Start the adjustment process by clicking the green
“start adjustment” button.
By clicking the red “x” button a running adjustment will be interrupted. The adjustment has to be started again in
case the diagnosis shows deviations of
± 30 mg.