1. The EEprom parameter is error, rewrite the EEprom data.
2. EEprom chip part is broken, change a new EEprom chip
3. main control board of hydraulic module is broken, change a
new PCB.
Hydraulic module EEprom
1.wire doesn’t connect between main control board PCB B and
main control board of hydraulic module. connect the wire.
2.Communication wire sequence is not right. Reconnect the
wire in the right sequence.
3. Whether there is a high magnetic field or high power
interfere, such as lifts, large power transformers, etc.. To add a
barrier to protect the unit or to move the unit to the other place.
Communication fault between
1.Check the resistance of the sensor
2. The Tw_in sensor connector is loosen. Re connect it.
3.The Tw_in sensor connector is wet or there is water in.
remove the water, make the connector dry. Add waterproof
4. The Tw_in sensor failure, change a new sensor.
Inlet water temp.sensor
(Tw_in) malfunction
1.Check the resistance of the sensor.
2. The Tw2 sensor connector is loosen. Reconnect it.
3.The Tw2 sensor connector is wet or there is water in.
Remove the water, make the connector dry. add waterproof
4. The Tw2 sensor failure, change a new sensor.
O u t l e t w a t e r f o r z o n e 2
temp.sensor (Tw2) fault
1. The TW_out sensor connector is loosen. Reconnect it.
2.The TW_out sensor connector is wet or there is water in.
remove the water, make the connector dry. add waterproof
3. The TW_out sensor failure, change a new sensor.
Outlet water
1.Check the resistance of the sensor.
2. The Ta senor is in the interface.
3. The Ta sensor failure
change a new sensor or change a
new interface, or reset the Ta, connect a new Ta from the
hydraulic module PCB.
Room temp.sensor(Ta) fault
1.Check the resistance of the sensor
2.The T2 sensor connector is loosen. Re connect it.
3.The T2 sensor connector is wet or there is water in. remove
the water, make the connector dry. Add waterproof adhesive
4. The T2 sensor failure, change a new sensor.
Refrigerant liquid
temp.sensor(T2) fault
1.Check the resistance of the sensor
2. The T2B sensor connector is loosen. Reconnect it.
3.The T2B sensor connector is wet or there is water in. remove
the water, make the connector dry. Add waterproof adhesive
4. The T2B sensor failure, change a new sensor.
Refrigerant gas
temp.sensor(T2B) fault
Three times “PP”
protection and
The same to "PP".
temp.sensor(Tsolar) fault
"1.Check the resistance of the sensor.
2.The Tsolar sensor connector is loosen,reconnect it.
3.The Tsolar sensor connector is wet or there is water
in,remove the water ,make the connector dry.Add waterproof
4.The Tsolar sensor failure,change a new sensor."
Buffer tank low
temp.sensor(Tbt2) fault
"1.Check the resistance of the sensor.
2.The Tbt12 sensor connector is loosen,reconnect it.
3.The Tbt2 sensor connector is wet or there is water in,remove
the water ,make the connector dry.Add waterproof adhesive.
4.The Tbt2 sensor failure,change a new sensor."