LaCie 2big Network
User Manual
On the User Accounts page, check the box beside
each user you want to delete and click
3.4.6. Deleting User Accounts
Figure 3.4.6
3.4.7. Editing User Accounts
The administrator can edit the details of a user ac-
count at any time by clicking on a user on the User Ac-
counts page to view the user’s profile.
Access privileges can be assigned to users on an in-
dividual user basis or on a group basis. User-level access
is more restrictive.
Here is an example of the way access privileges work
when a user has different kinds of access to the same
share as member of a group and as an individual:
User U belongs to groups G1 and G2, and has ac-
cess to share S.
If G1 has read-only access to S and G2 has read-
write access to S, then U will have read-write access
to S.
If U has read-only access to S and G2 has read-write
access to S, then U will have
3.4.5. About Access Privileges