Table 6.
Buffer Volume
– Inner tank is filled to above the wells.
Outer Tank is filled to just flood the bottom of the glass
plates. Cooling potential is at a minimum which may
affect resolution.
250 mL
– Inner tank is filled to above the wells.
Outer Tank is filled to the maximum fill line. Cooling is
high offering good resolution of samples.
1200 mL
Using the cooling packs
– Inner tank is filled to
above the wells. Cooling packs are inserted behind the
gels. Outer Tank is filled to the maximum fill line.
Cooling is at a maximum. Only 1 cooling pack comes
standard with unit.
1000 mL
5. Load the samples into the wells using a pipette tip taking care not to damage the
wells or induce any air bubbles.
6. Fill any unused wells with 1X sample buffer.
7. It is a good idea to note the orientation and order the samples were loaded in.
This can be done by noting which samples were loaded adjacent to each
Gel Running:
1. Fit the lid and connect to a power supply.
2. Consult Table 7 for details on recommended power supply voltage settings.
3. Run times vary with concentration and protein size. When the dye front is
approximately 1 cm, from bottom, turn off the power supply. If resolving proteins
less than 4Kd, the power supply should be turned off sooner.
4. Always unplug the power cord from the power supply prior to removing the lid.
5. Remove the gel running module, first emptying the inner buffer into the main
tank. Buffer can be re-used but this may affect run quality.