C Series C 20:8X, C 10:8X, C 10:4X and C 5:4X Operation Manual
Following are the C...X technical specifications. These figures are accurate at the time of printing but please note
that all figures are subject to change without notice. For the most accurate and current information available,
please visit www.labgruppen.com.
Number of channels
Peak total output all channels driven
Peak output voltage per channel
Max. output current per channel
Max Output Power
16 ohms per ch. (all ch.’s driven)
8 ohms per ch. (all ch.’s driven)
4 ohms per ch. (all ch.’s driven)
2 ohms per ch. (all ch.’s driven)
Hi-Z per ch. (all ch.’s driven): 70 Vrms / 100 V peak
16 ohms Bridged per ch.
8 ohms Bridged per ch.
4 ohms Bridged per ch.
2 ohms Bridged per ch.
Hi-Z Bridged per ch.
140 Vrms / 200 V peak
Performance with Gain:
THD 20 Hz - 20 kHz for 1 W
THD at 1 kHz and 1 dB below clipping
Signal To Noise Ratio
Channel separation (Crosstalk) at 1 kHz
Frequency response (1 W into 8 ohms) +0/-3 dB
Input impedance
Input Common Mode Rejection, CMR
Output impedance @ 100 Hz
Voltage Peak Limiter (VPL), max. peak output
VPL, selectable per ch.
VPL, when bridged
Voltage Peak Limiter mode (per ch.)
Gain and Level
Amplifier gain selectable (all channels)
– rear-panel switches
Default gain
Level adjustment (per ch.)
Connectors and switches
Input connectors (per ch.)
Output connectors (per ch.)
Output bridge mode
High pass filter
Intelligent fans (on/off)
Power on/off and Remote enable on/off
General Purpose Outputs (GPO)
General Purpose Inputs (GPI)
front-panel indicators
Per channel
Operating voltage, 230 V / 115 V nominal
Minimum power-up voltage, 230 V / 115 V
Power Average Limiter (PAL)
Soft-start / Inrush Current Draw
Mains connector
dimensions (W/h/d)
Note 1):
Automatic -6 dB gain compensation when bridging channels. Ch.’s A+B and/or C+D, E+F, G+H, can be bridged individually.
Note 2):
PAL can reduce the maximum output power to keep the power supply operating safely, and/or to prevent excessive current draw tripping the mains breaker. Refer to Operation Manual.
Note 3):
For sine waves, peak voltage output values translate to Vrms with the formula V/1.41 = Vrms. E.g. 100 V peak equals app. 70 V peak. Hence, outputs can be set for high-impedance loads without
requiring a transformer.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
C 68:4
C 48:4
C 28:4
C 16:4
C 20:8x
C 10:8x
C 10:4x
C 5:4x
6800 W
4800 W
2800 W
1600 W
2000 W
1000 W
1000 W
500 W
141 V
141 V
141 V
141 V
100 V / 70 Vrms
100 V / 70 Vrms
100 V / 70 Vrms
100 V / 70 Vrms
24.5 Arms
17.5 Arms
12 Arms
8.5 Arms
8 Arms
5.6 Arms
8 Arms
5.6 Arms
650 W
625 W
600 W
400 W
250 W
125 W
250 W
125 W
1200 W
1000 W
700 W
400 W
250 W
125 W
250 W
125 W
1700 W
1200 W
700 W
300 W
250 W
125 W
250 W
125 W
1200 W
600 W
300 W
125 W
60 W
125 W
60 W
1600 W
900 W
700 W
400 W
250 W
125 W
250 W
125 W
2400 W
2000 W
1400 W
800 W
500 W
250 W
500 W
250 W
3400 W
2400 W
1200 W
600 W
500 W
250 W
500 W
250 W
2400 W
1200 W
600 W
250 W
125 W
250 W
125 W
3200 W
1800 W
1400 W
800 W
500 W
250 W
500 W
250 W
L a b . g r u p p e n a b
S w e d e n
i n t e r n a t i o n a L c o n t a c t
i n f o @ L a b g r u p p e n . c o m | u S c o n t a c t
i n f o @ t c u S . c o m
w w w . l a b g r u p p e n . c o m
35 dB and VPL: 100 V
32 dB and VPL: 100 V
>112 dBA
>112 dBA
>70 dB
>70 dB
2.3 Hz - 56 kHz
2.3 Hz - 56 kHz
20 kOhm
20 kOhm
50 dB
50 dB
30 mOhm
48 mOhm
141, 118, 100, 85, 71, 59, 50, 42 V
100, 63, 45, 32 V
282, 236, 200, 170, 142, 118, 100, 84 V
200, 126, 90, 64 V
Hard / Soft
Hard / Soft
23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44 dB
29, 32, 35, 38 dB
35 dB
32 dB
Front-panel potentiometer, 21 position detented from -inf to 0 dB
, hidden behind security panel/dust filter grille
Front-panel potentiometer, 21 position detented from -inf to 0 dB
, hidden behind security panel/dust filter grille
3-pin Phoenix, electronically balanced
3-pin Phoenix, electronically balanced
Barrier strip 2-pole screw terminals
Barrier strip 2-pole screw terminals
A+B and/or C+D, inputs A and C are input source
A+B, C+D, E+F, G+H, inputs A, C, E, G are signal source
Fixed at 35 Hz, switchable per channel
On board, 2 x RJ45 connectors IN and OUT
On board, 2 x RJ45 connectors, IN and OUT
Yes, depending on presence of output signal
Yes, depending on presence of output signal
Individual switches on front panel
Individual switches on front panel
Two fans, front-to-rear airflow, temperature controlled speed
Two fans, front-to-rear airflow, temperature controlled speed
Contact Closure types, 2-pole Phoenix
Contact Closure types, 2-pole Phoenix
Network; Power Average Limiter (PAL)
; Power on
Network; Power Average Limiter (PAL)
; Power on
Signal present / High-impedance; -10 dB and -4 dB output
signal;Voltage Peak Limiter (VPL); Current Peak Limiter (CPL): Very
High Frequency (VHF); High temperature; Fault; Mute
Signal present / High-impedance; Voltage Peak Limiter (VPL); Current
Peak Limiter (CPL): Very High Frequency (VHF); High temperature;
Fault; Mute
130-265 V / 65-135 V
100-240 V
171 V / 85 V
80 V
Yes / max. 5 A
Yes / max. 5 A
230 V CE: 16 A, CEE7; 115 V ETL: 20 A / NEMA 5-20P
IEC Inlet / NEMA 5-15P
W: 483 mm (19”), H: 88 mm (2 U), D: 343 mm (13.5”)
W: 483 mm (19”), H: 88 mm (2 U), D: 343 mm (13.5”)
12 kg (26.4 lbs.)
8.5 kg (18.75 lbs.)
Black painted steel chassis with gray painted steel front
Black painted steel chassis with gray painted steel front
CE, ANSI/UL 60065 (ETL), CSA C22.2 NO. 60065, FCC
CE, ANSI/UL 60065 (ETL), CSA C22.2 NO. 60065, FCC