5. Operation and Performance
C Series C 88:4, C 68:4, C 48:4, C 28:4 and C 16:4 Operation Manual rev 2.2.3
5.7.5 DeviceControl software
DeviceControl is Lab.gruppen’s proprietary software application for monitoring and controlling networked
FP+ Series and other Lab.gruppen NomadLink-ready power amplifier. DeviceControl runs on a Windows PC,
which connects via Ethernet to the NLB 60E NomadLink Bridge & Network Controller. DeviceControl provides
comprehensive monitoring of amplifier status as well as control of amplifier power on/off and individual channel
mute and solo functions.
Please review the DeviceControl Operation Manual for more detailed information.
5.7.6 Third Party Control and Monitoring Capabilities
The NLB 60E NomadLink Bridge & Network Controller can be integrated with third party control systems via
its Ethernet connection. All amplifier control functions, fault and warning notifications that would otherwise be
displayed via the DeviceControl software can be replicated in a third party control GUI.
Please note that NLB 60E Firmware Ver 2.1.0 (or later) must be used in order to utilize the third party control
and monitoring capabilities of the NomadLink network. Both the firmware package and the control protocol
documentation, which describes the functionality and programming requirements for third party integration,
can be found under the Software & Firmware section of our website at: