10. The machine feeds water from
one serving unit although the
serving has not been select-
• Solenoid and/or pump fed continu-
• Short-circuited control unit relay.
• Replace the electronic control unit.
11. 85 S models: one unit serves
water continuously.
• Electric circuit of unit improp- erly
• Check the connection and correct it (see
wiring diagram).
12. The steamer discharges only
small quantities of steam or
water droplets.
• Worn gasket on tap.
• Replace the gasket.
13. Small drops flow out of the
water tap.
• Worn gasket on tap.
• Leak from solenoid.
• Replace the gasket.
• Check the solenoid and if necessary replace
14. The unit emits a whistle after
serving the coffee.
• Faulty operation of expansion
• High pump pressure.
• Check the expansion valve and if necessary
replace it. Calibrate the valve at 12 bar.
• Check the pump operating pressure. Cali-
brate the pump at 9 bar.
15. The filter cup comes off the
serving unit.
• Worn gasket under the fi lter cup.
• Replace the gasket.
• Clean the serving unit and the fi lter cup.
16. When coffee is being served,
some of it drips out of the edge
of the fi lter cup.
• Worn gasket under the fi lter cup.
• Replace the gasket.
• Clean the serving unit and the fi lter cup.
17. Water leaking from the drain of
the serving unit solenoid.
• Malfunctioning unit solenoid.
• Water leaking from unit cooling sys-
• Check the unit solenoid.
• Check the plunger on the solenoid and
clean the solenoid.
• Replace the solenoid.
• Check the cooling tube and the seal rings
inside the unit.
18. Light cream (the coffee fl ows
out of the spout rapidly).
a. Coarse grinding.
b. Low pressing pressure.
c. Small quantity of ground coffee.
d. Water temperature below 90°C.
e. Pump pressure above 9 bar.
a. Sprinkler fi lter on unit clogged.
g. Filter holes widened (fi lter cup).
a. Finer grinding.
b. Increase the pressure.
c. Increase the quantity of ground coffee.
d. Increase the pressure in the boiler.
e. Decrease the pump pressure.
a. Check and clean with blind fi lter or re-
g. Check and replace the fi lter.
19. Dark cream (the coffee drips
out of the spout).
a. Fine grinding.
b. High pressing pressure.
c. Large quantity of ground coffee.
d. High percolation water tem-
e. Pump pressure below 9 bar.
a. Sprinkler filter on unit clogged.
g. Filter holes clogged (fi lter cup).
a. Coarser grinding.
b. Reduce the pressure.
c. Decrease the quantity of ground coffee.
d. Decrease the boiler pressure.
e. Increase the pump pressure.
a. Check and clean with blind fi lter or re-
g. Check and replace the fi lter.
20. Presence of grounds in coffee
a. Coffee ground too fi ne.
b. Worn grinders in grinder-dis- pens-
er unit.
c. Pump pressure above 9 bar.
d. Sprinkler fi lter on unit clogged.
e. Filter holes widened (fi lter cup).
a. Coarser grinding.
b. Replace the grinders.
c. Decrease the pump pressure.
d. Check and clean with blind fi lter or re-
e. Check and replace fi lter.
21. Coffee with too little cream in
cup (spurts out of spout).
• Sprinkler fi lter on unit clogged.
• Check and clean with blind filter or re-