© 2020 Kymeta Corporation. All rights reserved.
08 December 2020
700-00121-000 revD Kymeta u8 products installation and user guide
Figure 4. Maritime installation
Mounting considerations
Any mounting solution designed for the u8 antenna, u8 ODU, or u8 terminal must allow for lateral and vertical thermal
expansion and contraction of the unit. Rigid constraint of the unit may result in permanent damage to the unit, including
catastrophic failure, and voids the warranty of the u8 product. Kymeta recommends a minimum clearance of 1.5 cm (0.6
in.) of clearance from the antenna/ODU terminal edge to account for this thermal expansion.
When mounting the u8, keep at least a 12 in. (305 mm) open distance behind the fans and a minimum single
exhaust zone vertically (up or down), horizontally (right or left), or some combination to minimize backpressure.
Land-mobile installation considerations
For safety to your vehicle and rack system, obey all posted speed limits and traffic cautions. Adapt your speed to the
conditions of the road and the load being carried.
Supported browser
Use Mozilla Firefox to access the Kymeta web-based user interface (UI).