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08 December 2020
700-00121-000 revD Kymeta u8 products installation and user guide
Open the u8 shroud
This step is optional.
The u8 shroud includes the fan panel, the access panel, drain slots, and the egress for the cable bundles. Before installing
and mounting the unit, you can open and remove the shroud without affecting the warranty or IP-rating. Open the
shroud if you need to access the connections or cables inside including the RX, TX, and Ethernet cable jumper or the
power cable connector to install an AC-to-DC power kit.
To open the shroud, follow the instructions below:
Place Kymeta u8 terminal shroud-up on a soft surface to protect the radome.
Remove the eight M6 fasteners on the shroud using the T20 Torx driver.
The cable glands on either side of the fan panel are not fixed to the shroud and must be removed to
modify power cable routing.
Gently lift the shroud until the fan cable connector is accessible. Disconnect the section attached to the fans and
fan panel by unlocking the outdoor-rated Ethernet connector, and gently pulling to release. Then, fully remove
the shroud and place it aside.
Removing the fan panel from the shroud is not necessary.
Access the connections or cables inside including the RX, TX, and Ethernet cable jumper or the power cable
connector to install an AC-to-DC power kit. If you have a u8 ODU, refer to
6.1 Connect the cables to the u8
to connect all cables before replacing the shroud.
Reconnect the fan cable, and then set the shroud back in place and ensure the cable glands are properly secured.
Pay special attention to the seating of the shroud, and the location of the cables beneath it. Ensure that the RF,
power, and fan connector cables are clear of the 4 mounting points. Re-install the eight M6 fasteners from Step 2
and torque to 7.0 N-m (5.16 ft.-lb.). These fasteners have a nylon patch so Loctite is not required.
For more information, refer to
6.1 Connect the cables to the u8 ODU
Appendix A. Kymeta u8 terminal cabling
, and
Appendix B. Kymeta u8 ODU cabling diagram
For information on the available u8 accessory kits to support your installation needs refer to section
accessories available for purchase