Chapter 6 - Measuring Mode UMS (Upstream-Monitoring-System)
AMA 310/UMS V21.0
Operation with optional Cluster-Switch SW 024
This chapter refers exclusively to the displays at the headend AMA 310/UMS. As regards the
advantages of a measurement with the connected optional cluster switch SW 024, installation,
initial operation, switch-on sequence and configuration options we here refer to the following
chapters and documents:
Application-Note AN006
Upstream-Monitoring-System UMS
Operating Instructions SW 024
Chapter 3.7 - Control Output to optional Cluster-Switch SW 024
Chapter 4.4 - Connection of the Instrument
Chapter 4.5 - Connection with the optional Cluster-Switch SW 024
Chapter 8.1.7 - Cluster Differentiation when using the RF Switch SW 024
For the operation of the SW 024 at the AMA 310/UMS, no specific operating steps at the headend
are required after installation, cabling and configuration in the UMS settings. The AMA 310/UMS
only has to "know" of the existence of an SW 024 switch and this is ensured by the switch-on
sequence, which has to be observed (see Chapter 4.6 - Switch-On). Via the transport stream, this
information is also passed on to all field instruments. The switch is then controlled automatically
and/or this is activated by the field instrument.
The displays presented here are examples and in field use there may be deviations depending on
which TS output or which mode is chosen (power save mode, keyboard lock).
Summary and Selective Path
When operated with the cluster switch SW 024 there are two fundamentally different operating
types. On the one hand, the switch can lead the summary signal of all 24 inputs to the AMA
310/UMS, on the other hand, the signal of an individual path can be applied selectively on the
headend unit.
With one exception, (MAX-HOLD function) only passive measurements by
the field instruments are possible in the summary mode.
The following measurements/displays can be performed by the field instrument in the summary
Spectrum display of the summary signal
Waterfall diagram display of the summary signal
Display of meta data within the transport stream (TS-Info)
MAX-Hold function
The following measurements/displays can be performed by the field instrument in the selective
Spectrum display of the selective path
Waterfall diagram display in the selective path
Display of meta data within the transport stream (TS-Info)
MAX-HOLD function
Frequency sweep
MER/BER measurement and Quickcheck
Line-up assistance and TILT measurement
Report / protocol generation
Can be found on the KWS homepage:
→ Support → Application Notes