Chapter 4 - Initial Operation
AMA 310/UMS V21.0
Connection of the Instrument
For the operation as central unit of the Upstream-Monitoring-System, the instrument has to be
connected to the mains supply and also to a receiver for the transport stream data, which serves to
send the information to the field units VAROS 107 (see Chapter 6 et seq.). For this purpose either
an IP or an ASI output are provided on the back panel of the instrument. One of these outputs has
to be connected to the processing headend equipment.
Now a return channel RF signal has to be supplied to the AMA 310/UMS via the F input on the front
panel of the instrument.
This may either come from the optionally available RF switch SW 024 (for connection see Chapter
4.5 and the relevant operating instructions) or directly from the headend.
In case the SW 024 is used, up to 24 RF clusters or CMTS upstream inputs can be assessed
independently from each other. If operated without RF switch either only one upstream signal can
be measured or several upstream signals are fed together via combiner components on the RF
input of the AMA 310/UMS. In the latter case the disadvantage is given that noise and ingress
components of several upstream paths on the instrument input superimpose which results in a
deterioration of the signal quality (S/N) and may impede the search for the source of the ingress
Connection with the optional Cluster-Switch SW 024
The SW 024 switch is to be connected with AMA 310/UMS via two lines. These are supplied as
accessories together with the switch.
The output "Switch Control OUT" of AMA 310/UMS is to be interconnected with the input "Switch
Control IN" of SW 024 via the supplied USB cable. The front output "OUT" of SW 024 is to be
connected to the RF input "RF-IN" of AMA 310/UMS by the supplied F cable bridge.
The length of both cable bridges is made for the intended standard arrangement where the SW 024
is placed below AMA 310/UMS or mounted in the 19" rack. If another arrangement is necessary,
longer cables may be used, but keep in mind that the RF connection always should be as short as
possible such that the calibration is not impaired.
When the instrument is connected to the mains supply, it is switched on by the ON/OFF switch on
the front panel and set to the basic state. In the basic state, the display now starts showing the
measured values (LC display on the right side of the instrument).
In combination with the optional RF switch SW 024 the switch always has to
be switched on before the AMA 310/UMS!