Chapter 6 - Measuring Mode UMS (Upstream-Monitoring-System)
AMA 310/UMS V21.0
The autostart function remains switched on as long as it is not deactivated again manually. This
means, even if the UMS function is once left via
(see above) or if the spectrum
analyzer is called up (see Chapter 7 - Analyzer Mode), the UMS mode is activated again
automatically after switching the instrument off and on again.
Keyboard Lock
As described in chapter - Keyboard Lock, a key lock may be activated.
If the instrument is located in a headend, it is recommendable to switch it on to prevent an
accidental switch-off of the UMS function. Even leaving the power save mode is not possible with
the key lock. The following LC display is shown:
Figure 6-7 Keyboard lock active
The key lock may be cancelled by the key combination
HOME → 3 → 1 → 0
Subsequently the instrument can be operated normally for 10 seconds. However, if the UMS
function is not left during this time period, the key lock switches on again.
Just as the functions Autostart and Power Save Mode the key lock will be maintained, even if the
instrument is switched off. The function has to be deactivated explicitly in the UMS settings.
Displays for Measurements in Connection with the Field Device VAROS 107
Below some displays are described which may appear in the different measurement situations in
connection with the field instrument VAROS 107. However, as these cannot be influenced at the
AMA 310/UMS, we refer to the operating instructions of the field instrument and to the already
mentioned Application Note AN006
for operating the system and for interpreting the results.
The displays presented here are examples and may deviate in field use depending on which TS
output has been selected, which mode has been selected (power save mode, keyboard lock) and
whether an optional cluster switch SW 024 (see Chapter 6.8 - Operation with optional Cluster-
Switch SW 024) is used.
Spectrum Display, Waterfall Diagram Display and TS Information on Field
The measuring and/or display modes of the field instrument mentioned in the headline are so-
called passive modes, which can be performed by every field instrument. Here the graphics display
shows the spectrum as shown in Figure 6-1. The LC displays also correspond to the above shown
displays, provided there is a working TS connection. Thus, it is not possible to read out on the
headend how many field instruments are just working "passively".
Ranging and Commands via Telemetry Carriers from Field Instruments
Narrow-band signals can be detected from time to time in the spectrum which vary substantially
also in their level. This may be ranging processes of the field instruments where the upstream
transmission level is adjusted in such a way that signals of the field instruments arrive exactly with
the reference level set at the headend. This ranging is performed on one of the four TILT carriers
(see also Chapter - TILT Measurement). On the other hand the narrow-band signals may
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