Target group for
this operating
This operating manual is aimed at those concerned with the control,
use and maintenance of the machine. It contains all the data required
for safe handling, use and maintenance of the plough.
For your safety
Before starting to adjust and use your plough, familiarise yourself with
this operating manual. Doing so will ensure your safety and optimal
working conditions. It is very important to read this manual carefully
before using the plough and to keep it handy. In this way, you will
avoid accidents
respect the warranty conditions
always have a functional plough in perfect working order.
For the employer
Every employee must be given training at regular intervals on how to
use this plough (at least once a year) in accordance with the guide
lines issued by the employer's insurance company. Untrained or un
authorised individuals are not permitted to use the plough.
You are personally responsible for the safe use and maintenance of
the plough. You must ensure that you and anyone else who is going
to operate, maintain or work around the plough is familiar with the op
erating and maintenance procedures and related safety information
contained in this manual.
Symbols used
In this operating manual the following symbols and terms are used:
A bullet point accompanies each item in a list
> A triangle indicates operating functions which must be performed
An arrow indicates a cross-reference to other sections of this man
[+] Indicates optional equipment
We have also used pictograms to help you find instructions more
The word 'tip' indicates tips or instructions on use.
The triangle indicates a risk of danger when assembling or adjusting.