In the following pictures you see the same star effect scanned at different scan rates at full scanning angle (60 degrees).
Picture 1:
the scan rate and/or number
of points is too low. The corner
points are more visible than the lines
between them and the whole effect
flickers. The scan-rate and/or number
of points needs to be increased.
Picture 2:
the scan-rate and/
or number of points is about right.
The whole effect has more or less the
same intensity and does not flicker.
Picture 3:
further increasing of the
scan-rate and/or number of points
results in the effect starting to distort,
firstly around corners only. This
indicates that you are exceeding the
maximal scan rate of the scanning
system! If you operate the scanning
system at scan-rates higher than the
maximum scan-rate of the scanning
system the scanners will get damaged
irreversibly due to overheated coils
damaging rotor magnets.