ProLaser III Operator's Manual
While the speed reading is still being displayed,
releasing the trigger will lock the speed and range
readings on the displays, and they will begin flashing.
Range Mode
When the ProLaser III is first powered up, the HUD is
programmed to display target speeds. For applications
where the operator is primarily interested in range
information, the ProLaser III can be set to display the
target range in the HUD by using the MODE push button
to switch to Range mode. The “Speed” text will disappear
from the LCD and only “Range” will be displayed. You are
now ready to make range measurements.
Holding the ProLaser III as stationary as possible, use
the aiming reticle to aim the instrument at the desired
target, and pull and hold the trigger. You will see a series
of four dashes
directly below the aiming reticle while
the laser is firing and range measurements are being
made. After approximately 0.3 second, the distance to the
target will appear both in the HUD and under the “Range”
text in the rear panel LCD. Distances will be displayed to
the nearest 0.1 feet/meter in the HUD and the rear panel
LCD. Simply aim and pull the trigger again to make
additional range measurements.
Since the infrared pulses used by the ProLaser III are
close to the visible spectrum, you will find the target
objects that best reflect light also provide maximum range
from the instrument. If you experience trouble getting a
range reading to a certain part of a distant object, try a
different, flatter surface of the object that may have
superior reflective characteristics.