03-M-DI Series, WSM
(1) Cylinder Head and Valves
Cylinder Head Surface Flatness
1. Clean the cylinder head surface.
2. Place a straightedge on the cylinder head’s four sides and two
diagonal as shown in the figure.
3. Measure the clearance with a feeler gauge.
4. If the measurement exceeds the allowable limit, correct it with a
surface grinder.
• Do not place the straightedge on the combustion chamber.
• Be sure to check the valve recessing after correcting.
Cylinder Head Flaw
1. Prepare an air spray red check (Code No. 07909-31371).
2. Clean the surface of the cylinder head with detergent (2).
3. Spray the cylinder head surface with the red permeative liquid
(1). Leave it five to ten minutes after spraying.
4. Wash away the read permeative liquid on the cylinder head
surface with the detergent (2).
5. Spray the cylinder head surface with white developer (3).
6. If flawed, it can be identified as red marks.
Cylinder head surface
Factory spec.
0.05 mm / 500 mm
0.0020 in. / 19.69 in.
(1) Red Permeative Liquid
(2) Detergent
(3) White Developer
KiSC issued 10, 2009 A