Terminal Designation AC versions 0..30 VDC
No. versions
1 +24 VDC Sensor supply Not
voltage connected
2 0 VDC Reference Not
(GND) voltage connected
3 INP A Counting input A
4 INP B Counting input B
5 RESET Reset input
6 GATE GATE input
7 KEY Push-button locking input
7.2 Terminal assignment X2
8. Technical characteristics
Supply voltage: 90..260 V AC, 9VA max.
ext. fuse protection: T 0.1 A or
10 ... 30 V DC, 1W max.
ext. fuse protection: T 0.125 A
Display: 6 digits, red 7-segment
LED’s, display height 8 mm
Polarity of the input signals:
programmable in common for
all inputs (npn or pnp).
Input resistance: approximately. 10 k
Counting frequency:
20 kHz (10 kHz with phase
discriminator), can be reduced to
30 Hz. In case of automatic
repetition,1.2 kHz without loss of
pulses (700 Hz with phase
discriminator and pulse multipli-
cation by 2).
Minimum pulse duration for control inputs:
5 ms
Input switching level:
With AC supply voltage:
log.”0”: 0..4 VDC
log.”1”:12..30 VDC
With DC supply voltage:
log.”0”: 0..0,2 x U
log.”1”: 0,6 x UB..30 V DC
Pulse shape: any shape
(Schmitt trigger inputs)
In case of a
and a
setting (reversed relay control), the connections of
terminals 4 and 5 are reversed:
Terminal No AC and DC versions
4 Opening contact relay (NC)
5 Closing contact relay (NO)
Terminal No AC versions 10..30 VDC versions
1 Output 1 – Relay contact
Collector when optocoupler output
2 Output 1 – Relay contact
Emitter when optocoupler output
3 Output 2
Common relay contact (C)
Emitter when optocoupler output
4 Output 2 Relay
Closing contact (NO)
5 Output 2 Relay with opening
contact (NC)
Collector when optocoupler output
6 Supply voltage Operating voltage
10..30 VDC 90..250 VAC
7 Supply voltage 0 VDC (GND)
90..250 VAC
7.1 Terminal assignment X1
Supply voltage and outputs
7. Connections
Only with the optional serial