Id.: 17-16-26-3017-03 | 6.2017
The heating system has to be filled with water with the hardness between 5 °dH and 10
°dH. Malfunctions of the device because of water hardness are not covered by the warranty.
The quality of the water used in the heating system is very important. The water from the water supply
is mostly not suitable for use in the heating system. To ensure adequate water hardness you must built
the water softener into the system.
The heating systems must not be filled with dirty or corrosive water. The heating water must be prepared
by adding anti-corrosion and anti-biological agents as well as agents against algae.
The water used for heating DHW via the built-in heat exchanger in the buffer tank for DHW
has to be in accordance with the requirements of standard VDI 2035 and must not contain
microorganisms. The heating system has to be filled with soft water which has been added
anti-corrosion and antibacterial agents for preventing corrosion. Before filling the heating
system has to be cleaned of all impurities.
The heating system has to be thoroughly vented. You must prevent air, including diffusion
air entering the device.
To prevent damage to the components of the hydraulic system, we recommend the
additional installation of SpiroVent RV2 air (micro-bubble) venting system.
The presence of micro bubbles in the system eventually forms larger bubbles which in time
can cause corrosion of the system, system component malfunction and operation
In new systems, the impurities are a consequence of welding, soldering, dirty pipes (oil, grease), etc.
In case the impurities start accumulating in the device this can worsen the flow and heat transfer, in
worst cases also freezing of water in the heat exchanger and consequently the destruction of the device.
To protect the device from intake and accumulation of dirt in the heat exchanger you must
install the strainer on the return line, before entry into the device.
A galvanic disconnection between individual elements of the heating system (i.e. boiler,
container ...) is obligatory.
In the case of using grey steel pipes in the heating system, it is necessary to degrease them (the interior
of the pipe) before connecting them to the heat pump.