The KSM regulator regulates the heating water temperature (buffer tank, heating loop) based on the current outdoor
air temperature. In case you also install a KT-1 or KT-2A also the room temperature is also taken in to the calculation.
The lower the outdoor temperature, the greater the heat loss, and to compensate for this loss the temperature of
heating water must be higher.
The higher the outdoor temperature, the lower the heat loss, and to compensate for the difference the temperature
of heating water must be lower.
The slope of the heating curve is set at 2 points. The first applies to an outdoor temperature of −15 °C, and the other to
+15 °C. For cooling, these reference points are +20 °C and +40 °C.
Parameter name Parameter value range
Weather mode
−15 0C
Parameter value range
This is set depending on
the heating system (flo-
or, radiator, convection,
The parameter value is the temperature of the hea-
ting water based on the reference ambient outdoor
air temperature of −15 °C. Set this to match the hea-
ting system (floor, radiator, convection, etc.).
If the air outside is colder than 0 °C (e.g. −7 °C) and
it is cold inside, increase the value of the
mode parameter
−15 °C. Contrarily, if it is too warm
inside, lower this parameter.
Weather mode
+15 ⁰C
Set this to depend on
the heating system (flo-
or, radiator, convection,
Vrednost parametra predstavlja temperaturo ogre-
valne vode pri referenčni zunanji temperaturi zraka
+15 °C. Vrednost nastavite glede na vrsto ogrevalnega
sistema (talno, radiatorsko, konvektorsko ogrevanje)
If the air outside is warmer than 0 °C (e.g. +7 °C)
and it is cold inside, increase the value of
weather mode par15 °C
. water tempera-
ture. Contrarily, if it is too warm inside, lower this
The factory setting of the heating curve at +15 °C (−15 °C) for the buffer tank and heating loop can be changed in
the buffer tank and heating loop settings� The adaptive curve must be turned off to set these parameters�
Operating instructions
ADAPT System