UFM 3030
Function 3.05.09 Pulse/unit
If the function of 3.05.07 is set to pulse/unit, the unit and number of pulses per unit can be set for
the flow measurement using this function. Options are; puls/m3, puls/l, puls/US.Gal., puls/bbl. Also
a user definable unit can be set. The max number of pulses per unit is 7870000, the default setting
is 1. NOTE: Check that the max. flow span will not cause the number of pulses generated per
second to exceed the maximum of 2 000 Hz.
Function 3.05.10 Pulse/unit (heat energy measurement)
If the function of 3.05.07 is set to pulse/unit, the unit and number of pulses per unit can be set for
the heat power measurement using this function. Options are; pulse/MJ, pulse/GCal, pulse/MCal,
pulse/GJ. The max number of pulses per unit is 1000000, the default setting is 1.
Function 3.05.11 Pulse width
For frequencies < 10 Hz, the following pulse widths can be applied:
25 ms pulse width for P100% < 10 Hz
50 ms pulse width for P100% < 10 Hz
100 ms pulse width for P100% < 5 Hz
200 ms pulse width for P100% < 2.5 Hz
500 ms pulse width for P100% < 1 Hz
>10 Hz to 1000 Hz, 50% duty cycle. >1000 to max. 2000 Hz, 70% / 30% Duty cycle.
Pulse width may vary 5ms, pulse period may vary 25 ms.
Submenu 3.06.00 Digital input
Function 3.06.01 Function of digital input
The digital input terminal is the same as the current output terminal. Therefore, when a digital input
function is selected, the function of the current output (see Function 3.04.01) needs to be set to
OFF and the current output range has to be set to 0-20mA (see Function 3.04.03).
The digital input can programmed for the following functions:
OFF switched off, no function
RST TOTAL reset display Totalizer(s), see also Function 0.00.03 RST TOTAL, independent of the
programming of Function 3.07.08 RST ENABLE
RST ERROR reset error messages, see also Function 0.00.02 RST ERR
FORCE ZERO force display and outputs to their "zero" values
BATCH start (input high) or stop (input low) a batch, only available for the BATCH version (see
Function 3.02.01)
Submenu 3.07.00 User data
Function 3.07.01 Through 3.07.04 Language for display texts / Entry code for setting mode /
Code 1 / Tag name setting
See the descriptions in Section 4.3.
Function 3.07.05 through 3.07.07 User-defined unit for volume flow rate and volume flow
Instead of choosing from pre-defined units for the volume flow as in Function 3.01.01 FULL SCALE,
a user-defined unit can be programmed. This unit is to be defined as a volume unit per time unit. In
Function 3.07.05 UNIT TEXT the text can be defined, in Function 3.07.06 UNIT VOL the amount of
volume units that will fit in a m3 must be programmed, and in Function 3.07.07 UNIT TIME the
amount of seconds that will fit in a time unit must be programmed.
Example: to program barrels per day, program in Function 3.07.06 6,289 (= 1/0,159) and in 3.07.07
8,640E4 (=24*60*60).
Function 3.07.08 Enable Totalizer reset
Enable the reset of the display Totalizer(s), see Function 0.00.03 RST TOTAL. Note that this
function doesn't affect the ability to reset the display Totalizer(s) using the digital input, see Function