UFM 3030
Abbreviations used:
I Current output
I0%Current output at 0 % scale
EF Forward energy flow rate
I100% Current output at 100 % scale
QR Reverse volume flow rate
Imax Current output maximum
ER Reverse energy flow rate
When VOS or Signal gain is set, only the forward
characteristic applies
Function 3.04.03 Range of current output
The range of the current output can be set to standard 0-20mA or 4-20 mA or to “other” for other
user specified spans. Max reading is 22 mA. The range for “other” is set using functions 3.04.04 to
Function 3.04.04 0 pct
mA setting for 0 percent of the range. It can be set between 0 and 16 mA. Default is 4 mA
Function 3.04.05 100pct
mA setting for 100 percent of the range. It can be set between 4 and 20 mA. Default is 20 mA
Function 3.04.06 Limit
Limit of current output. Max setting and default setting: 22 mA. Limit it to 20mA when safety
systems reserve higher currents as Fault Codes.
Function 3.04.07 Error indication
Only available for NAMUR version. Allow to predefine the current (3.6 or 21.5 mA) in case of failure.
Function 3.05.00 Pulse/frequency output
Function 3.05.01 Function of pulse output
The pulse output can be programmed for the following functions:
OFF switched off, contact closed
ACT FLOW proportional with the actual volume flow, see Function 3.01.01 FULL SCALE
CORR FLOW proportional with the corrected volume flow, available depending on version, see
Function 3.02.01
F/R IND forward/reverse flow indication, see Function 3.01.10, contact closed for forward flow,
contact open for reverse flow
VOS proportional with the velocity of sound, see Function 3.01.11 through 3.01.12
DIG OUTPUT digital output, see Function3.05.03