UFM 3030
Function 3.03.01 Display of flow
To display the flow, three options are available
Rate; flow is shown with the unit as set in function 3.01.01
Percentage; flow is shown as a percentage of the full scale as set in 3.01.01
No display; no flow is shown.
Function 3.03.02 Function of Totalizer
Two Totalizers (counters) are available. The Totalizer values are incremented and stored once a
second. The following settings for the function of the Totalizers are available.
ACTUAL FLOW; the actual flow is used for counting the total volume in the Totalizer. Two
Totalizers are available, one for each direction. The sum of the two can also be displayed.
CORRECTED FLOW; the corrected flow is used for counting the total volume in the Totalizers.
BOTH; Both the actual and the corrected flow are used for counting the total volume in the
Totalizers. Both are only counted in the positive direction
Function 3.03.03 Display of Totalizer
A Totalizer can be selected here for displaying.
FORWARD (forward volume units)
REVERSE (reverse volume units)
BOTH (both, alternating)
SUM (sum of both)
BOTH + SUM (both and sum)
NO DISPLAY (Totalizers not displayed, however
Totalizers continue counting)
TOTAL OFF (Totalizer switched off, counting is
Function 3.03.04 Total volume
Unit for volume Totalizer can be set in this function.
Available units: x10 m3, m3, liter, US.Gallon, Barrel
The max. value of the Totalizer is 99999999 x10 m3 and will roll over to 0 at overrun.
Function 3.03.04 Total energy
Unit for the total heat energy counter.
Available units: x10GJ, GJ, MJ, Gcal, Mcal.
The maximum value of the Totalizer is 99999999 x10 GJ and will roll over to 0 at overrun.
Function 3.03.06 Unit for velocity of sound
The display of the velocity of sound, as described in Function 3.01.11 through 3.02.12.
The following units can be applied:
NO DISPLAY no display of velocity of sound
m/s metre per second
feet/s feet per second m3
Function 3.03.07 Cyclic display of measured values
Whenever more than one measured value is to be displayed (e.g. Flow rate and Totalizer), each
value can be selected manually by pressing the
key, or the values can be alternately displayed
each 5 seconds by turning the cyclic display function on.. This also includes the display of various
readings as described in Function 3.03.08 through 3.03.11.
Function 3.03.08 Display error messages
Enable/disable the display of error messages as described in section 5.1. When enabled, the
converter display will FLASH when an error occurs, and the error code will be displayed. It will
continue to flash until the alarm is acknowledged or cleared. An unacknowledged alarm will be
displayed with 3 horizontal lines in front of the error message. Acknowledging the alarm will remove
the lines. If the alarm is acknowledged but the cause is not removed the error will stay in the error
list. To remove the error from the list the cause must be removed and the error must be reset.
When it is turned off, the compass display indicates errors are present, but the display will not flash.