UFM 3030
Main menu 3.00.00 Installation
Submenu 3.01.00 Volume flow parameters
Function 3.01.01 Full-scale value for 100% volume flow rate
The following units can be applied:
m3/s - cubic metre per second
m3/min- cubic metre per minute
m3/hr- cubic metre per hour
L/s - liter per second
L/min -liter per minute
L/hr -liter per hour
US.Gal/s - US gallons per second
US.Gal/min - US gallons per minute
US.Gal/hr - US gallons per hour
bbls/hr - barrels per hour
bbls/day - barrels per day
free unit, a user-definable unit, which can be
defined using Function 3.07.05 to 3.07.07.
Range depends on diameter (DN) and volume flow velocity (v):
Qmin) [m3/h] = 0,9 x DN² (vmin = 0.5 m/s)
Qmax [m3/h] = 31,25 x DN² (vmax = 20 m/s)
Qmin [US GPM]= 3,9 x DN² (vmin = 1.5 feet/s)
Qmax [US GPM] = 138 x DN² (vmax = 20 m/s)
Function 3.01.02 through 3.01.03 Zero value / Zero calibration
Although zero calibrated at the factory the flow sensor might still give an offset flow reading, at
"zero" flow in the pipeline (measuring tube completely filled with medium. Function 3.01.02 ZERO
VALUE can be used for zero calibration. It can be set to either FIXED, which will give a factory zero
setting, or MEASURED, which will allow to compensate for the small signal using Function 3.01.03
Function 3.01.04 Master time constant of display and outputs
This is the time that it takes for the display and the current and pulse outputs to reach 66% of the
end value, after a change in the flow rate. The time constant does not apply for totalisation. The
time constant does not apply for the current output in F/R setting.
If required, a different time constant value can be set for the pulse/frequency output under Function
3.05.06 TIME CONST.
Function 3.01.05 through 3.01.07 Low-flow cut off for display and outputs / Cut off "on"
value/ Cut off "off" value
Due to the extreme low flow sensitivity of the UFM 3030, it will detect the slightest movement of
fluid, even at zero flow. To avoid these measurements causing outputs and Totalizer changes, the
low flow cut-off can be used to force reading to zero. These are set as a percentage of Full Scale,
as configured in Fct.1.01.01 or 3.01.01.
When the flow rate decreases below the "on" value, the display and outputs are set to their "zero"
values. When the flow increases above he "off" value, measurements are resumed. The "off" value
must be larger than the "on" value by at least 1%. With Function 3.01.05 LF CUTOFF set to NO,
factory settings are used for the "on" and "off" values.
Function 3.01.08 Meter size
The nominal diameter of the measuring tube. See the flow sensor nameplate. This value can be
entered In mm or in inches.
Function 3.01.09 Flow sensor constant GK
At the factory, each flow sensor is calibrated and supplied with a calibration constant. This constant
can be found on the flow sensor nameplate.