07/2017 - 4001970202 - MA OPTISENS TUR 2000 R01 en
5.3.9 Sensitivity calibration
Command Format: ID + S
For example, if ID = 14, type 14S
or 00S
This calibration must be done in a Formazine solution or similar standard solution. The standard
solution value has to be inserted. For further information refer to
Sensitivity standard setting
page 36.
The calibration is done on the selected scale and the new sensitivity value will be applied to the
other scales as well. Verify the result by means of the command ID + A and check the readout
value corresponding to the standard solution value.
Send the command ID + H and check the line
Sens. calibration: ok / error
If the error message appears, check if the probe has been fully immersed in the standard
solution. Check the surface of the lens and clean with soft tissue / cloth.
In case of error signal the probe will maintain the previous sensitivity value.
The message
Sens. Calibration: not done
means the sensitivity has turned to the default value
through the command ID + SR.
5.3.10 Sensitivity reset
Command Format: ID + SR
For example, if ID = 14, type 14S
or 00S
The Command turn the sensitivity to the default 100% value.
Verify the result by means of the command ID + H and check the line
Sens. calibration: not done
5.3.11 Check signal calibration
Command Format: ID + C
For example, if ID = 14, type 14S
or 00S
This function is for check signal calibration at 100%.
Verify the lens surface and the air bubble absence first, eventually clean by using a soft tissue /
Check signal cal.: not done
message will mean the parameter is turned to the default value
through the Command ID + CR
Probe response:
ID + S + x
command executed correctly
Probe response:
command does not run properly
Probe response:
ID + SR + x
command executed correctly
Probe response:
command does not run properly
Probe response:
ID + C + x
command executed correctly
Probe response:
command does not run properly