Krell KAV–2250 and KAV–3250
Amplifier Operation
When powering up your system, turn amplifiers on last. When powering down your
system, turn amplifiers off first. The procedures for amplifier operation follow.
1. Plug the AC power cord into the AC power wall receptacle.
2. Push the back panel power switch (14) up (on). The red stand-by LED (2)
3. Press the power button (1) on the front panel. The blue power indicator (3)
illuminates and you hear a click.
There will be a brief delay before the component can be put in the operational mode
after the back panel power switch is first pushed up.
Krell recommends leaving the amplifier in the stand-by mode unless you will not be
playing music for a long time.
Always turn the amplifier off before changing input connections, and mute or fully
attenuate the preamplifier level when switching sources.
The amplifier has tremendous reserves of power and safely drives loudspeakers to
extremely high sound pressure levels. However, use care when setting high playback
levels and lower the volume level at any sign of loudspeaker distress.
The amplifier can also be powered on from an AC wall receptacle with a dedicated
switch, rather than from the front panel power button. Please contact your authorized
Krell dealer, distributor, or Krell for more information before you connect the amplifier to
a dedicated AC wall outlet with a switch.