4.2.3 LAN
You can change the IP address of the LAN port to match the requirement of the practical network
To enter the screen below, click “Advanced Setup”--“LAN”.
• IP Address:
It is the Router’s LAN IP address. The default IP address is
• Subnet Mask:
It is the Router’s LAN subnet mask. You can modify it according to your needs.
• Enable IGMP Snooping
: Check/uncheck to enable/disable the IGMP Snooping.
If you have changed the LAN IP address, then you must re-configure your PC’s IP address to log on
to the router’s Web-based management interface, and the default gateway of all computers that
connect to the router’s LAN ports have to be set to the new IP address for normal Internet access.
4.2.4 DHCP setting
DHCP Server
This router enables DHCP server function by default. DHCP refers to Dynamic Host Control Proto-
col. With an internal DHCP server, the Router can automatically configure the IP addresses, subnet
mask, gateway and DNS server, etc for the computers that connect to the router’s LAN ports and
are configured to obtain an IP address automatically. Therefore, it reduces the inconvenience and
trouble in manually configuring IP address and other network parameters for multiple computers
in LAN.