• Security Valve: This electrical water heater fits a mono-directional security
valve. It must be installed at the water entering hole sector of this unit of the
electrical water heater. When the tank's pressure is over 0.8 MPa, this
valve will automatically leak the pressure. It may exit the water drops to fall
down at the pressure leakage mouth sector. In any conditions, this
pressure leakage mouth must not to be blocked. You must keep it anti-
through with the atmosphere. (Diagram 1)
Note: For the interior-ventilating styled security valve, its pressure leakage
exit sector may not exit the water drops to drip down. Otherwise, during
the heating procedure, the water-entering pipe's outer cover under the
safety valve may have a certain temperature. This belongs to the
normal conditions. This indicates that it is internally-draining the
leakage pressure.
• If need to make the tank empty, first close the water-entering valve door,
open the water-exiting valve door. Then tear down the fixed screw nails on
the security valve with tools. Make the plastic handle lift up; let the water in
the tank naturally flow out. (Diagram 2)
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
Fixed Screw Nail
Water- drainage Spanner
Water-drainage Position