Pawn Shop Comp 2.0 - User Manual
The PSC's wide range of Attack and Release settings—from lighting fast to baby caught in a
glue trap—let the plugin catch the absolute quickest transients or mimic the more languid
behavior of a classic tube unit with an optical detector circuit.
We advise you to adjust the compressor section of the Pawn Shop Comp using your ears
and not your eyes. You'll be playing with it, it will sound great, then you'll notice the meter
is pinned and the ratio is set to 30:1, and you'll panic, "I'm crushing the crap out of things!
This can't be right! My audio teacher would kill me!"
Relax. If it sounds good, it is good. Don't worry about how things look. You’ll
nd it is very
hard to set the controls in such a way that the Pawn Shop Comp sounds bad.
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