You can’t undo last operation
Are you sure ?
You can’t undo this operation
Are you sure ?
Meaning: When saving a file in Disk mode, the save destina-
tion path exceeded 76 characters.
Meaning: Once you enter event editing (even if you leave
event editing without actually editing an event), it
will no longer be possible to execute a Compare of
the previous edit. If you wish to enter event edit-
ing, press the [F8] (“OK”) key. To cancel, press the
[F7] (“Cancel”) key.
Meaning: When you exit recording or event editing in Multi
mode, the memory area for Undo (Compare func-
tion) is not allocated. If you wish to keep the data
that was just recorded or edited, press the [F8]
(“OK”) key. If you wish to return to the previous
data (i.e., to delete the data that was just recorded
or edited), press the [F7] (“Cancel”) key.
Meaning: When editing in Multi mode, memory area for
Undo (Compare function) cannot be allocated. If
you wish to execute the edit, press the [F8] (“OK”)
key. (It will not be possible to return to the state
before editing.) If you decide not to execute the
edit, press the [F7] (“Cancel”) key.
In order to allocate memory area for Undo (Com-
pare function), delete unneeded data such as
multi, or patterns. We recommend that you save
data to floppy disk before you execute the edit