Refers to the darkness of a color in an image.
Device error
An error that requires a service engineer to recover from.
The process by which a group of dots is arranged to reproduce the density of grayscale. Grayscale density is reproduced by
configuring preset dot patterns. This method requires less memory compared to multilevel gray.
Acronym for “dots per inch”. A measurement of resolution which is normally used for scanners and printers. Higher dpi
indicates better resolution.
Driver software
In this manual, driver software refers to software that allows the scanning application software to communicate with the
Dropout color
Removes the specified color(s) from the scanned image.
Duplex scanning mode
A mode for scanning both sides of the document at once. (
Simplex scanning mode)
Edge Extract
A function which traces the boundaries between black and white areas, and extracts them as outlines.
Edge Processing
A function which decreases the density of bright colors (except for white) around black areas. Increasing the value for this
function removes dotted image noise and also produces “softened” images.