The window is divided into
4 main sections.
The logo (upper left)
The primary controls area (upper right)
The remote controller picture, options popup menu
and custom setting input area (centre)
The on-line help area (bottom)
The logo:
Clicking here will bring up the about box (also includes
telephone numbers for technical support)
The primary controls area:
In figure 1 (above) the on/off button indicates that the
mouse driver is installed and activated (red LED
indicates that things are turned on). To de-install and
de-activate the driver, simply click on the button (the
button text will change to TURN ON, and the LED will
be green). It is always a good idea to turn off the driver
when the unit is not connected, especially if you wish to
attach another device to the modem or printer port of
your Macintosh. Turning off the driver completely
removes it from the system heap. This means, that
when it is off, the remote driver uses NO SYSTEM
The two checkboxes allow you to control certain
basic features.
Placing a checkmark in Use Printer Port will instruct
the driver to expect remote data over the printer
port on your Macintosh (the default connection is
via the MODEM port). This setting will be r-
emembered the next time you either turn on your
Macintosh or open the control panel. As with
activation / deactivation there is no need to restart
your Macintosh.
Placing a checkmark in Load at Startup will enable
the auto load function. Afterwards, every time you
start your Macintosh, the remote driver will be
loaded into the system and activated.