For model identification, see the nameplate mounted on
the side of the exhaust box.
This manual is written to cover RA, RB and RC versions
of models 0010, 0012, 0016, 0021, 0160, 0400, 0630,
1000 and 1600 with a “B” (“A” on 0010 and 0016, “S” on
0021 and no letter designation on 0012) appearing as the
seventh character in the model type number. For exam-
ple, it would appear as follows:
When ordering parts, it is helpful to include the identifica-
tion code stamped into the side of the cylinder as well as
the serial number from the nameplate.
Example: RB0012-1029-XXXX
Operating Principles
All reference (Ref. XXX) numbers listed in the text and on
illustrations throughout this manual are related to the
drawings and parts list shown later in this publication.
All R5 Series, Single Stage, Rotary Vacuum Pumps are
direct-driven, air-cooled, oil-sealed, rotary vane pumps
that operate as positive displacement pumps. They con-
sist of a rotor mounted concentrically on the drive shaft
and positioned eccentrically in a cylindrical stator (see
Fig. 1). The rotor has three radially sliding vanes which
divide the pump chamber into three segments. The gas
to be pumped enters at the inlet port, passes through the
inlet screen and the open anti-suck-back valve into the
pump chamber. As the rotor rotates, the inlet aperture is
closed, the gas is compressed and forced out through the
exhaust port. This operation is repeated three times
each revolution.
1.1 Unpacking
Inspect the box and pump carefully for any signs of dam-
age incurred in transit. Since all pumps are ordinarily
shipped FOB our factory, such damage is the normal
responsibility of the carrier and should be reported to
Remove the nuts from the bottom of the box/crate and
pull the pump out of the container, then unscrew the
studs from the bottom of the rubber feet.
The inlet port of the pump is covered with a plastic cap
prior to shipment to prevent dirt and other foreign materi-
al from entering the pump. Do not remove this cover until
the pump is actually ready for connection to your system.
1.2 Location
The pump must be installed in a horizontal position on a
level surface so that the pump is evenly supported on its
rubber feet. Allow at least one foot (five feet for 0400 and
larger pumps) of air space between the pump and any
walls or other obstructions to the flow of cooling air.
Also, adequate ventilation must be provided for the fans
on the pump and motor (i.e., do not locate the pump in a
stagnant air location).
Whenever the pump is transported, be sure to drain the
oil prior to shipping to avoid vane breakage when restart-
ing the pump.
Do not tip the pump over if it is filled with oil.
Locate the pump for easy access to the oil sight glass
(Ref. 83) in order to inspect and control the oil level prop-
erly. Allow clearance at the exhaust flange area to pro-
vide service access to the exhaust filters.
1.3 Power Requirements
The schematic diagram for the electrical connection is
located in the junction box or on the nameplate of the
pump motor.
The motor must be connected according to the electrical
codes governing the installation. The power supply must
be routed through a fused switch to protect the motor
against electrical or mechanical overloads. The motor
starter has to be set consistent with the motor current list-
ed on the motor nameplate.
If the pump is supplied with a manual motor starter, it is
preset at the factory in accordance with the customer’s
specification. For other voltage requirements, contact
the factory for motor and/or starter information.
All R5 series pumps are designed to handle air. Vapor
in the air stream can be tolerated when the pump is
operated within certain operating parameters as defined
by Busch, Inc. Engineering (see Section 2.2 - Gas
Ballast). When you desire to use the pump on an air
stream that contains vapors, contact Busch, Inc.
Engineering for operating recommendations; otherwise,
the warranty could be void.
CAUTION: On 0400/0630 models, a switch mounted
near the exhaust port and on top of the exhaust box
is a safety device. This switch is used to shut off the
pump in the event the pump oil chamber is over-
heated. Wire this normally closed switch into the
starter control circuit so that when the switch reach-
es the set point, power to the pump motor is dis-