ZFC K03/0522
page 17
51 function
This setting can be set to display total or rate.
When 'total' is selected, simultaneously, total is shown with the large digits and
flow rate with the smaller digits. When SELECT is pressed, the accumulated
total is shown temporarily.
When 'rate' is selected, only flow rate will be shown with the large digits
together with its measuring unit. When SELECT is pressed, the total and the
accumulated total are shown temporarily.
The backlight brightness can be adjusted from 0% (off) to 100% (full brightness)
in steps of 20%.
When the ZFC is only loop powered, the backlight is disabled. An external
power supply is required to supply the backlight.
53 measurement
To solve undesired display readings during low or even negative consumption
situations, four different measurement methods have been implemented. Note
that the selection does influence the analog output value (ref. flow rate) as well.
bi-directional Shown flow rate: positive and negative.
Shown total: increases or decreases.
not negative Shown flow rate: only positive or zero.
Shown total: increases or decreases.
threshold Shown flow rate: as soon as the flow rate is lower than SETUP 54 or negative,
zero flow rate is shown.
Shown total: as soon as the flow rate is lower than SETUP 54 or negative,
totalization will stop.
stationary Shown flow rate: as soon as the flow rate is lower than SETUP 54 or negative,
the stationary flow rate (SETUP 54) is shown.
Shown total: as soon as the flow rate is lower as SETUP 54 or negative,
stationary totalization (SETUP 55) will be activated. However, if the value of
flow rate
Enter here the flow rate according SETUP 53: threshold or stationary. The time
and measuring units are according to flow rate SETUP 21 and 22.
Flow rate zero is shown as soon as the flow rate will be lower as this setting.
As soon as the flow rate is lower as this setting, this flow rate is shown.
If the flowmeters do not generate pulses, the flow rate shows zero.
Enter here a flow rate per hour according to SETUP 53
. The
measuring unit is according to TOTAL (A and B) - SETUP 11.
This flow rate is converted to a total which will be used as long as the flow rate
is lower as SETUP 54.
If the flowmeters do not generate pulses, the totalization will stop.
This function is disabled if value zero has been entered.