(1) On starting boom up operation, boom up operating pilot pressure switches boom spool and boom
up conflux spool and is input to low pressure sensor.
(2) The output voltage of low pressure sensor is input to mechatro controller and the mechatro
controller processes pilot signal and outputs command according to the input voltage to P1 and P2
proportional valves and P1 and P2 unload proportional valves.
(3) Each proportional valve outputs pilot proportional valve secondary pressure according to the
command output by mechatro controller and changes P1 and P2 pump delivery rate and switches
P1 and P2 unload pressure control valve.
(4) With original hydraulic pressure command, boom main spool and boom up conflux spool are
switched, and also with the command by mechatro controller, P1 and P2 pumps and P1 and P2
unload valves are switched and consequently the delivery oil on P1 pump side confluxes delivery
oil on P2 pump side during boom up operation.
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